INVITATION TO THE HIGH SOCIETY / freely adapted from Edgar Allen Poe – Theater Thikwa and Theater Zum Westlichen Stadthirschen / Berlin / Germany
Date: Monday, May 8th 2006, 8 pm
Place: Theater im Pumpenhaus
Duration: approx. 90 Minuten
Language: Deutsch
Often, not more than a fateful mood of coincidence decides who wears the white overall or who is declared to be a case for the straightjacket in the psychiatry.
In such an insane institution, where doctors and patients can wish each other good health, an illustre evening soirée sits down for a lively dinner full of tales. „Maison de Santé“, a joint production of the Berlin hopefuls Thikwa and the contemporarily engaged theatre group “Zum Westlichen Stadthirschen“, follows an Edgar Allan Poe's story (“Die Methode Dr. Thaer und Prof. Fedders”) freely and happily improvising. A medicine student visits an institution for people with mental disorders, where an allegedly special humane method of treatment is being applied.
But before the traveller is allowed to examine it, he is asked to take a seat at the dinner table – where he experiences an extravagant upper crust, imbued by music, dance and delusion, sparkling with ideas between genius and mania.
It is a soirée of hallucinations and the greed for life. All under the Dada motto: Passions are always right and our mistake is not to desire too much, but too little.
Actors: Anna Katharina Andrees, Dominik Bender, Patrick von Blume, Heidi Bruck, Jonny Chambilla, Ronny Dollase, Wolfgang Fliege, Torsten Holzapfel, Janette Lange, Almut Lücke-Mündörfer, Vincent Martinez, Peter Pankow, Tim Petersen, Roland Strehlke Direction: Werner Gerber Dramaturgy: Anke Mo Schäfer Space: Isolde Wittke Costums: Ulv Jakobsen Light: Urs Hildbrand