
By Ivan Wyrypajew/Antonia Welikanowa – Theatre.doc / Moscow / Russia

Date: Thursday, May 4th + Friday, May 5th 2006, 8 pm
Location: Städtische Bühnen, Münster
Duration: approx. 75 minutes
Language: Russian with German simultanious translation

A young woman, patient of the psychiatric ward at the edge of Moscow, is outraged over the story of Creation as the Bible tells it. Her name is Antonina Welikanowa. She takes action and turns to the author, performer and director Ivan Wyrypajew with a letter. A busy correspondence starts between the two. The author team Welikanowa/Wyrypajew develops “Genesis Nr. 2” from those dialogs, commentaries, text outlines and quotes. In this unconventional version, the original roles and their distribution are casted differently. Lot’s unnamed wife, who is now called Antonina, fights with Arkadij Illjitsch – formally God and the name of Antonina’s chief doctor – over his existence. And if he does exist, does he also believe in us?

With “Genesis Nr. 2”, the director Wiktor Ryschakow produces a theatre evening over a radically different view upon the world and its lack of existential certainties in the post communist Russia and elsewhere. His refreshingly provocative style, mixing poetic dialogs, short dramatic scenes, crude songs and Bajan music in a weird way, makes “Genesis Nr. 2” a show piece of the sparkling Russian avantgarde.

Actors: Alexander Bargmann, Swetlana Iwanowa, Aidar Gainullin, Iwan Wyrypajew Director: Wiktor Ryschakow Stage: Dmitry Rasumow Costumes: Tatiana Golowenkina Music: Aidar Gainullin Production: Theatre.doc, Moskau und Theater der Welt 2005, Stuttgart Simultanious Translation: Stefan Schmidtke, Isolde Schmitt
